First Litter of 2024!

January 27 marked our first Holland Lop litter of 2024. Maybelle (Wicked Hops Rebel) welcomed six perfect little kits into the world, sired by Luke (Hot Crossed Buns Saint Laurent).

Maybelle pulled lots of fur and made an excellent nest, just one day after her due date (talk about being consistent!).

All six babies are healthy and doing well – they always have nice, full bellies!

Though it’s a little early to tell still, it’s looking like we have one black tort, four broken black torts and one mystery colour that I’m leaning towards being a blue tort.

I’m so excited to see how these kits develop!

Once they are old enough, I’ll be doing a proper photoshoot with them in the backyard.

Stay tuned for more updates here at Sir Lopcelot’s!