Hot Crossed Buns Saint Laurent

Sir Lopcelot’s Brego

Sir Lopcelot’s Gwaihare (at 5 weeks)

Show Season Starts Up

As winter finally gives way to spring, the show season is right around the corner!

The buns and I are making our way to Kalispell, MT this weekend for the annual Glacier Lily Rabbit Show. Last year, I only brought Luke and he didn’t do too great. However, his head has REALLY filled out since then so I’m excited to hear what the judges have to say!

Also in tow will be Luke’s two daughters, Brego and Gwaihare. This will be their first ever show! Since they will be 13 weeks this weekend, they will be showing in the Junior category.

Needless to say, I’m pretty excited about that in itself, as it will be the first time I’m showing rabbits that are a product of my breeding program. I do think Brego has the most potential given her beautiful head and nice thick legs, but we’ll see if the judges agree.

This year’s judges for the Glacier Lily Show are Allen Messick, Valerie Uptagrafft, Courtney Collins and Jill Schmidt. I have never had my rabbits seen by these judges, so it will be interesting to hear their comments!

Stay tuned for a results post and lots of photos after the show.